The V day …

it’s that time of the year AGAIN! I know, I feel it too. Love is in the air, roses are falling, chocolates are melting, and hearts, well hearts are beating. 

For some, wine , chocolate and fine dining will carry the day, others will be having plenty of mindless fun, that only they can truly interpret it’s meaning. 

However if you are like me, well, you are twiddling your thumbs and wondering when will the day end… I feel you! however knowing me by now, you know I firmly believe that there is nothing that a book can’t solve! nothing. 

So to get through the day I am going to curl up with 3 books of varying genres, I encourage you to join me, and let’s get through the V day together. 


A horror book is definitely the best place to start, especially one that will scare the heart wrenching breakup out of you, so much so that when  you come to final end of the book, your only worry would be what is lurking in the shadows , as opposed to the shadow of a man who somewhat owned your heart once upon a time! 

I shall be hanging out with Stephen King for this one, I know he won’t disappoint. He never does! 



Because sometimes I tend to be a glass half full kind of person, I like to think of a time love will be non elusive and relationships will eventually make sense. Until then, I will continue to live vicariously through books, and that is why, to my mix, I have added a melancholic sort of book. It’s not my cup of tea, definitely I was given the book by a true friend, who insisted I needed to read it. Brilliantly written, I see myself in each of the pages! The language however is a tad too strong for my liking, the feelings though are so raw, you can’t help but fall in love with the writing. 


Third and final book, well, a good cry always works wonders. and let’s face it, maybe it’s time to curl up in the corner of my room, ball of tissue in my hand, and wail like there is no tomorrow no? However right about now I feel I am so over a good cry, and something funky and funny, that can add a step to my walk will do just fine. I have a good mind to hang out with Sue Townsend, she comes highly recommended and is described as “touching and ridiculously funny!” sounds just like what the Doctor ordered no? 

And finally 

Happy Valentines Day! 

Drop me a line or two, in the comments below, on how you will be celebrating the day! It’s only fair, seeing that I shared first 🙂 


The Book Swag 



62 thoughts on “The V day …

  1. The Lover’s Dictionary seems very interesting. I never thought about reading on Valentines Day, that should keep my mind occupied. Awesome post. I am like you, I won’t be doing anything for that day. Lets get to reading. 😄❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nope. I hate the whole premise behind Valentine’s Day, so I want no part of it. My husband can tell me he loves me and of the other 364 days this year 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is my first Valentine’s Day post divorce. Not that my ex husband and I ever did anything anyway! Today I am going to think of all the other love I have in my life. Love from my children, family and friends. Just because I don’t have a partner right now doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate love!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Valentine’s Day can be lonely for some.And these books become our antidotes especially when accompanied with hot coco. Stephen King surely does not disappoint. I would surely like to add Eat Pray Love to this list because it is more about self search than cliched romance

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Si uniulizie hiyo ya lovers alibuy wapi. Lol! Btw I nominated you for a Versatile Bloggers Award on my blog, check it out and do a post of your own. This is by far the most refreshing book related blog I have come across. Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hear you! It really is nice to celebrate love, I completely agree, until love happens, here we are with a Stephen King in the corner of the room 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. xo


  6. I don’t mind V-Day that much! We can show our loved ones that we love them everyday. Anyway, these are great picks if you’re feeling like ignoring the whole day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ooohhhh, have you read the misery? I finished it and I was unable to interact with any social being for fear of them being a stalker who will break my limbs! Thanks for stopping by. xo


  7. Great idea to read ❤

    My thoughts on Valentine’s… I honestly feel it’s a marketing scheme that I fell victim to for many years. Yes it’s nice to receive flowers and chocolates but I honestly feel it’s more meaningful when it’s a surprise any time of the year vs specifically on that day.

    This year we went against the status quo. We just spent the whole day as a family, watched a movie and enjoyed each other’s company. No flowers, balloons spending threee times the amount on items just because it’s Valentine’s.

    I am going to continue our tradition and help others understand that Valentine’s is really every day ❤❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is so amazing, wish I could print it and pin it on my blog! Thank you so much for this. It truly does makes sense huh. I love the idea, that you spent the day with your family and watched a movie! That is really so cool. Thanks for stopping by. xo


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